At the beginning of March this year, the manager of Anouk (THE rock star of the Netherlands who is also very well known internationally) approached me, to ask me if I was interested in painting a portrait of Anouk.

This painting would become the cover of her new album, a huge honor! It was both a challenge and a FANTASTIC assignment! When I showed Anouk the result, she immediately loved it, which made me extremely happy! The album was scheduled to be released in November, so I had to keep my mouth firmly shut!!
But now it is out in the open! Last Wednesday, Anouk herself revealed the cover on her:
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The international media immediately spread the news. I am completely overwhelmed by the wonderful reactions that Anouk, as well as I, have been receiving ever since. About half of the original painting (90x150x4 cm) is shown on the cover. A special scan of the artwork will be made, which will be available as a Limited Edition Fine Art Print in 2 sizes. As soon as I receive the prices, I will announce this, so you can pre-order if you are interested!.
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